HP Mainframe Alternative Program Resource Guide Sales Guide Internal Use Only May 1992 Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------- 1. Program Overview 2. Field Contacts 3. Partnering with the PSO 4. Sales Resource Guide 5. Mainframe Class Solutions Matrix 6. Solutions Contacts 7. Conversion Tools 8. System Integration and Consulting Services 9. Support Services Mainframe Alternative Program Overview The Mainframe Alternative program is a major initiative to target cost sensitive mainframe customers and provide superior HP 3000 and HP 9000 Series 800 solutions. This resource guide has been developed jointly by CSY and GSY to identify all the available tools, mainframe class solutions, HP partners, and field contacts needed to help you exploit this tremendous opportunity. See page 3 for a directory of the Mainframe Alternative Program Managers. HP as The Mainframe Alternative Mainframe Alternative, "downsizing" or "rightsizing", as it is sometimes called in the press, refers to the current industry trend of replacing or offloading costly centralized mainframes with lower cost and at times distributed computer systems. HP 3000 and 9000 Series 800 systems are the ideal Mainframe Alternative offering superior cost of ownership and performance capabilities surpassing that of 90% of installed mainframes. Size of Opportunity Based on analyst projections of midrange computer market share, data in an IDC survey (April 1991), and HP's estimates, the U.S. market for midrange systems as mainframe alternatives is estimated to be 1000 systems in 1992 and 1260 systems in 1993. The potential U.S. business for HP midrange systems is estimated to be $100 million in 1992. The European HP market potential is estimated at $40 million and the Australian HP market potential is estimated to be greater than $25 million in 1992. In addition, many opportunities exist in other Asia/Pacific markets. Large Deal Size The individual deal potential is very attractive as well. To date, revenues from mainframe alternative wins have ranged from $300,000 to over $1.5 million. Look for these quota making opportunities in your accounts. Customer Benefits Driving Mainframe Alternative Trend Overwhelming customer benefits are driving the trend to replace mainframes with HP 3000 and 9000 Series 800 solutions. These include: o Dramatic reductions in MIS costs such as hardware acquisition costs, software licensing costs, software and hardware maintenance expenses, staffing costs, and the costs associated with system environmentals (i.e. floor space, power, cooling). o Greater end-user control and access to information as computing power is moved away from centralized locations and distributed to the business units. o Increased productivity due to the optimization of HP systems for on- line transaction processing (OLTP). o Greater speed of application development and application backlog reduction with the availability of fourth generation languages and CASE tools. o Increased flexibility to respond to organizational structure changes because of the modularity and scalability of HP's product lines. HP's Mainframe Attack Targets The Mainframe Alternative program targets several vulnerable mainframe market segments. It capitalizes on IBM's current focus on large mainframes that has resulted in unhappy low-end 3090 and older mainframe customers and on the financial troubles of Unisys and Bull that have lead to customer dissatisfaction. The key mainframe targets are: o 43xx and 308X replacements - The large, aging installed base and heightened cost sensitivity of 43xx and 308x customers make these systems prime candidates for replacement with an HP solution. o 3090 offloads - Increasing cost pressure and corporate interest in implementing updated client/server applications has made 3090 offloads a key mainframe alternative opportunity. o New system ES/9000 competition and replacement of second-tier mainframe vendors (i.e. Bull, Unisys) - The high cost of IBM's current strategic mainframe product family, the ES/9000, makes it an opportunistic target. Bull's and Unisys' current financial "woes" gives HP the opportunity to provide a cost-effective, high-function alternative. Mainframe Class Solutions Four strategies for attacking entrenched competition and moving applications from a mainframe to HP are described below: o Transfer - Many mainframe software providers have ported their products to the HP 3000 and HP 9000 800 Series . If your customer is running an application that has been ported, transferring the application is the easiest way to give your customer all the cost and quality benefits of an HP system. See the Mainframe Class Solutions Matrix on page 8. o Convert - If your customer is running an application written in COBOL with CICS as the transaction processing monitor (referred to in the IBM world as an "IBM CICS/COBOL" application) converting the application may be the simplest way to move it to an HP system. We are partnering with companies who have conversion tools for this type of environment. Conversion tools also exist for Unisys Mapper, XGEN and LINC environments. See the list of conversion tools and system integration/consulting services partners on page 11-12. o Replace - Old mainframe applications that are outdated, that require a high level of maintenance, or have large backlogs of software enhancements are prime targets for replacement with new state of the art third party packages. See the Mainframe Class Solutions Matrix on page 8. o Rewrite - Customers that want a high degree of customization will consider rewriting their applications. See the list of system integration/consulting services partners on page 12 for descriptions of companies that can assist your customer. WINS !! We have approximately 100 HP Mainframe Alternative wins worldwide! Many of these wins have been documented and can be used as sales tools. Some are already acting a reference accounts or speaking at HP sponsored seminars (See the sales resource guide starting on page 4). Watch for more success stories, case studies, testimonials, and reference accounts as we install our systems and take on the data center. Mainframe Alternative Program Field Contacts Your first point of contact for mainframe alternative information is your Sales Development Engineer. They will have access to the appropriate factory contacts. In addition, Mainframe Alternative Program Managers have been designated in most regions. They can help you with regional program details and deal specific situations. Region Program Manager Phone Number ----------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Vince Cavell (201) 599-5151 Eastern Lee Schulz (201) 599-5467 Southern Peter Steiner (214) 699-6490 Neely Wayne Domke (206) 644-3225 Midwest Michael L. Berryman (612) 641-9784 Europe Victor Sanchez 49-7031-14-3386 U.K. Anne Burkhardt 44-344-424898 France Patrick Condamin 33-1-60778383 Germany Axel Lange 49-7031-645-0 Italy Luciano Martinoli 39-2-923691 Latin America Gustavo Fernandez (408) 447-1606 Canada Colin Reay (416) 678-3183 Canada Terri Reilly (416) 678-3184 Asia/Pacific Dennis Tang 852-848-7939 Australia Vikram Mehta 61-2-950-7419 Partnering with the PSO to win MFA deals Mainframe alternative resources are available from HP's Professional Services Organization to help consultants identify MFA sales opportunities within your existing or new target accounts, close MFA deals and implement HP's MFA solutions. HP Consultants can help architect your winning HP MFA solution by: o Delivering pre/post sales consulting to help you with detailed MFA sales qualification, proposals, and implementation planning o Identify the business needs, processes and applications that will benefit most from HP's MFA solutions o Selecting the righ target architecture and technology including system, network, application, interoperability, data management, software development, and user interface. o Creating a practical transition plan which may cover systems, software, networks, application evolution and coexistence, education, pilot/development plans, and detailed implementation/deployment plans. o Providing overall Project Management Services to coordinate, plan, and manage external and internal resources necessary to deliver a successful HP MFA solution. o Working closely with HP MFA Partners, third parties, and VAB's to ensure external HP services, capabilities, and tools are included in the overall HP MFA solution. Sixty-five HP Consultants from over 23 countries have received sales/technical training covering IBM mainframe architecture, operating systems, subsystems, performance, networking, systems management, operations etc. The names of these Consultants can be found on the MFA Hotline, Subject: MFSE. Sales Resource Guide Many of the following items can be found in the Mainframe Alternative section of the Corporate Business Server Sales Binder (Part Number 5960- 7845). In addition, all items can either be found now on the mainframe hotline (MFA Hotline) or ordered from LDC, SMO or HP-TV (assume LDC unless otherwise noted). Reprints - Customer Cases Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foxboro (Replacement of two IBM 4381s with distributed HP 3000s) P/N 5091-2586E Boots Pharmaceuticals (IBM 4381 replaced with HP 3000) P/N 5091-2413E Agropur/Natrel Granby & Longvevil (IBM 4381 and IBM 4341 replaced with HP 9000s) P/N 5091-1482E HP and VTLS at Toronto Reference Library (IBM 4381 replaced with HP 3000) P/N 5091-4180E The Merced County Experience: Automating the welfare system (A three-tiered solution: HP 9000 800 at middle level, 900/700 at end-user level) P/N 5091-2710EUS MacLeod-Steadman (IBM 4381 and Honeywell Bull 7000 replaced with HP 3000) P/N 5091-2977E HP and ASK at Excellon Automation (IBM 4381 replaced with HP 3000) P/N 5091-2991E HP's Financial Management Solution Helps General Chemical Computerize (Mainframe replaced by HP 3000) P/N 5952-0486EUS "Competitive Edge" - Mfg industry magazine focused on mainframe alternatives in manufacturing P/N 5091-2406E "Distribution Report" - Distribution industry magazine focused on mainframe alternatives in distribution P/N 5091-2875E "Leading the way" - State and local government magazine focused on mainframe alternatives in government P/N 5091-3413EUS "Rightsizing" white paper by systems integrator, IISI P/N 5091-2975E Videos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Smart Moves - Why Three Executives Replaced Their Mainframes with HP" (2 manufacturers, Foxboro and Boots Pharmaceuticals, and 1 distributor, Macleod-Steadman) P/N S-1636 (HP-TV) "HP: Your Open Systems Partner" (customer testimonials - BASF, Sheraton, DHL, Computer Associates) P/N HPTV-90462T Reprints - Customer Successes in the Trade Press ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Daring to Downsize", Network Computing (Foxboro, an IBM 4381 replacement with distributed HP 3000s and Gates McDonald, an IBM 3090 offload to an HP 3000) P/N 5091-14483 "Trucking firm seeks faster dispatching" (Comcar Industries Inc. moves from a Unisys mainframe to distributed HP 9000 Series 800) P/N 5091-3705E "UNIX Serves Eatery's MIS Unit", UNIX Today! (Paragon Steakhouse Restaurant, an IBM 3090 replaced with an HP 9000) P/N 5091-2405E "Gartner Catches Up With Trends", Information Week (Gartner Group move from an IBM 4381 to HP 9000s) P/N 5091-2395E "Computers Spur Profitability at General Chemical", Chemical Processing (HP 3000 mainframe replacement) P/N 5091-0486EUS Reprints - Press Articles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "HP Seeks Mainframe Converts", CSN P/N 5091-1839E "HP Explores IBM Mainframe Market", Computerworld P/N 5091-1838E "The Mainframe Alternative" Information Week P/N 5091-4205E "HP Takes Aim at IBM's Big Iron", Mid-Range Systems P/N 5091-2085E Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM Mainframe Application Inventory (form designed to collect application information needed to assess mainframe alternative MFA Hotline opportunities) Subject: IBMFORM Mainframe Downsizing Qualification Matrix (matrix identifies characteristics of mainframe environments and indicates MFA Hotline likelihood of mainframe alternative success) Subject: MFQUAL Mainframe Alternative White Paper MFA HotlineSubject: MFWHITE Mainframe Alternative press article listing MFA Hotline Subject: MFPRESS Financial Cost Justification Tool (Lotus MFA Hotline spreadsheet model for analyzing the cost Subject: MFCOST or see savings of mainframe alternative solutions) local Sales Finance Representative List of SEs that have completed the Mainframe MFA Hotline Killer training Subject: MFSE Mainframe Alternative Financial Examples (slide set illustrating cost savings in several MFA MFA Hotline deals) Subject: MFCOST Performance Briefs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP 3000 Mainframe Batch Performance Benchmark P/N 5091-2553E (HP 3000 versus IBM 3090) MFA Hotline Subject: BENCH Mainframe Alternative Slide Presentations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP's Mainframe Alternative Solutions (Executive level presentation on the benefits of MFA Hotline mainframe alternative solutions) Subject: HILEVEL The Mainframe Alternative (Customer MFA Hotline presentation to be used with MIS shops) Subject: MFMIS Wins/Customer References ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP 3000 and HP 9000 800 Series wins list and MFA Hotline customer success story summaries Subject: MFWINS System Integrator/VAB Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description of mainframe alternative system MFA Hotline integrators/consultants Subject: MFCONV Corporate Business System Solutions Guide - List of Mainframe Class Solutions available on HP (Part of the Corporate Business System Sales Binder) P/N 5960-7845 (SMO) Information on CONVEYOR conversion tool MFA Hotline Subject: CONVERT Matrix of Mainframe Class solutions available (current copy can be found on page 8 - MFA Hotline updated version maintained on hotline) Subject: MFVABS Information Builders/HP Partnership Slideset MFA Hotline Subject: IBISLIDE Software AG/HP Partnership Slideset MFA Hotline Subject: AGSLIDE Training ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Mainframe Environment Solutions" Level I Workbook (SR1801) and Mainframe 101 Video P/N 5960-7801 (SMO) "Information Technology and the MIS Environment" Level I Workbook (SR1803) P/N 5960-1622 (SMO) "Winning in the Mainframe World" Level II training (SR289) P/N 5960-7842 (SMO) - NTSC P/N 5960-7843 (SMO) - PAL "Beating the high end competition" Scheduled May 1992 Competitive Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The Handbook of IBM Terminology" (compiled by Jeff Hosier (Xephon Technology Transfer, MFA Hotline 1990) - included with Level 1 Mainframe Subject: MFGLOSS Environment Solutions - SR1801) (ordering instructions) Collection of information about mainframe MFA Hotline competitors Subject: MFCOMPETE IBM High-end Competitive White Paper (Part of "Selling against the competition") P/N 5970-1888E Selling against the competition binder - ES/9000 section P/N 5091-1888E Related Product Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk Arrays - technology primer (Describes mainframe class disk arrays which will be incorporated into HP products in 1992) P/N 5091-1396E Multiuser Disk Array Data Sheet P/N 5091-2856E HP Disk Arrays for Multiuser Computer Systems Sales Guide P/N 5091-2855E High-End Printer Datasheet HP5000 Model F100 P/N 5091-4058E LU 6.2 API/XL announcement (new product allowing greater interoperability and MFA Hotline coexistence capability in the IBM world) Subject: LU62 HP Deskmanager and HP DeskmanagerPLUS datasheet (technical data sheet describing HP Deskmanager and HP DeskmanagerPLUS electronic mail solutions). This application is a great replacement solution for IBM PROFS. P/N 5091-2345E Mainframe Class Solutions Matrix (Disassembled Table, part 1 of 2) Application Category Mainframe Product Alternative Solution Available on HP 9000 Available on HP 9000 Series 800 (Transfer) Series 800 (Replace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBMS Software AG: Adabas HP: ALLBASE/SQL CINCOM: Supra Informix: Informix Oracle: Oracle RDBMS ASK: Ingres CA: CA-DB (3Q92) Sybase: Sybase Progress: Progress Unify: Unify ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Systems Management CA: UNI-CENTER for HP: Openspool, UNIX (3Q92) Omniback, Omniback TURBO, GlancePlus, RXForecast, LaserRX System Center: UQUEUE, UBACKUP, USECURE Unison: KLA/UX Maestro/UX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4GLs and CASE Tools Softlab: Maestro II Cognos: PowerCASE, TI: Information Powerhouse Engineering Informix: Informix Facility (2Q92) ASK: Ingres Oracle: Oracle SQL Powersoft: IBI: FOCUS PowerBuilder Software AG: Natural Infocentre: Speedware CGI: PACBASE, PACLAN Uniface: Uniface CA: DB: Generator Unify: ACCELL (3Q92) Andersen: Foundation CINCOM: Mantis for Cooperative Processing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Third Generation Micro Focus COBOL Languages HP Fortran 77 Pascal, C AcuCOBOL Alysis (ada) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Decision Support/ Pilot Executive: Execucom: Executive Information Pilot EIS Executive Edge Systems IBI: FOCUS Corporate Decision SAS: SAS Support System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Office Automation/ HP: NewWave Office, E-Mail OpenMail Uniplex: Uniplex Integrated Office ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manufacturing *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) Datalogix: GEMMS Andersen Consulting: ASK: Advance (93) FMD CMI Competitive Xerox Computer Solutions Services:CHESS qad.: MFGRO CINCOM: Control (93) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logistics/ Brock: Brock Control R&D Systems Distribution Systems ASK: Advance (93) *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) Lawson: Distribution System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Financials Lawson: Accounting CompuServe/Collier- System Jackson: World *SAP: SAP R3 (3Q92) Class Series Peoplesoft (2Q92) D&B: Client/Server Mitchell Humprhey: (1Q93) Mitchell Humphrey (TBD) Oracle: Oracle Financials MAI Systems Concepts Dynamic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Human Resources *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) CA-Classic/Open Peoplesoft (3Q92) Cyborg: Payroll, Time CompuServe/Collier and Attendance Jackson: Collier- Lawson: HR System Jackson (2Q92) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Library Systems Dynix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Health Care CGI Systems CHC CSC Healthcare HBO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Engineering/ BBN: The RS Series Sherpa Scientific CACI: SIMscript II.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * SAP R2 is a widely installed robust mainframe solution, SAP R3 is the next generation replacement solution available on HP platforms. Note: Please refer to the MFA Hotline, subject: MFVABS for solution matrix updates. Matrix reflects applications available in the U.S. Many applications may also be available in Europe and Asia Pacific. (Disassembled Table, part 2 of 2) Application Category Mainframe Product Alternative Solution Available on HP 3000 Available on HP 3000 900 Series (Transfer) 900 Series (Replace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBMS Software AG: Adabase HP: ALLBASE/SQL, Oracle: Oracle RDBMS TurboIMAGE ASK: Ingres ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Systems Management OCS: Chargeback, Express, Spacecontrol, Taps, Librarian, Private Unison: Allocate, Maestro, Disc Master, Tapes Plus HP: LaserRX, GlancePlus, RXForecast, TurboSTORE/XL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4GLs and CASE Tools Softlabs: Maestro II Cognos: Powerhouse, IBI: FOCUS PowerCASE Oracle: Oracle SQL Infocentre: Speedware CINCOM: Mantis, ASK: Ingres CGI: PACBASE, Powersoft: PACLAN, PowerBuilder Gupta: SQL Windows Uniface: Uniface 4GL (2H92) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Third Generation Micro Focus COBOL Languages (4Q92) HP: COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, C AcuCOBOL (2H92) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Decision Support/ IBI: FOCUS NewWave Office Executive Information Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Office Automation/ HP: NewWave Office E-Mail HP: DeskManager PLUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manufacturing Dun & Bradstreet: ASK: ManMan, AMAPS Advance ('93) *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) Datalogix: GEMMS CINCOM: Control (93) Q-CIM: Process Mfg. Western Data Systems: Cardinal Data Corp: Compass Contract PRO/FIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logistics/ Dun & Bradstreet: DRC: SFD/Invision Distribution DF/DRP BSA/Acxiom: Acxiom *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) Axcess (Catalog Lawson: Distribution fulfillment) System (3Q92) SGA: Mail order and catalog system ASK: Advance ('93) STSC (93) Cardinal Data Corp: PRO/FIT SATCOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Financials FDP: MAAS CompuServe/Collier- Peoplesoft (4Q92) Jackson: World Lawson: Accounting Class Series (2Q92) System (3Q92) Mitchell Humphrey: *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) Mitchell Humphrey Oracle: Financials Summit: Spectrum 3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Human Resources Peoplesoft CompuServe/Collier Cyborg: Payroll, Time Jackson: Collier- and Attendance Jackson *SAP: SAP R3 ('93) Lawson: HR System (3Q92) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Library Systems VTLS: VTLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Health Care American International Healthcare Gerber Alley ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Engineering/ Scientific ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (End of Disassembled Table) * SAP R2 is a widely installed robust mainframe solution, SAP R3 is the next generation replacement solution available on HP platforms. Note: Please refer to the MFA Hotline, subject: MFVABS for solution matrix updates. Matrix reflects applications available in the U.S. Many applications may also be available in Europe and Asia Pacific. Solutions Contacts For more information refer to your HP Solutions catalogs or contact: Company HP Contact Phone Number ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acucobol Jack Gartlan (619) 541-7299 American Int'l Healthcare Bob Lyle (703) 204-2475 Andersen Consulting Tom Nielson (708) 505-8800 ASK (Ingres) Joanne Parker (415) 378-8536 BBN Bob Sheppard (617) 22-5178 Brock Lynn Sauder (404) 246-5230 BSA Brad Wagaman (201) 599-5498 CA Don Marchon (516) 753-3361 CACI Jack Gartlan (619) 541-7299 Cardinal Data Corporation Peter Yung (617) 221-5181 CGI Ted Luchsinger (914) 935-6829 CHC Gerald Metcalf (713) 776-6031 CINCOM Max Adamczyk CMI Don Stolla (313) 349-9200 Cognos Judi Hirsch (617) 221-5105 Concepts Dynamic John Nothelfer (708) 505-8800 Collier-Jackson Eric Hammersand (813) 889-4421 CSC Healthcare Dan Stolla (313) 349-9200 Cyborg John Nothelfer (708) 505-8800 Datalogix Don Marchon (516) 753-3361 DRC Russ Baldermann (303) 649-5551 Dun & Bradstreet Lynn Sauder (404) 246-5230 Dynix Paul Dorius (801) 974-1789 Execucom Sam Prasad (404) 850-2562 FDP Ron Kessinger (805) 938-2209 Gerber Alley Dawn Haeberle (404) 246-5231 HBO Dean Athanassiades (404) 246-5219 IBI Ted Luchsinger (914) 935-6829 Infocentre Dave Harriman (201) 599-5000 Informix Paul McGillicuddy (408) 988-7447 Inlex Paul McGillicuddy (408) 988-7447 Lawson Mike Stringer (612) 641-9774 MAI Systems Glenn Kean (714) 758-5722 Micro Focus Michael Tanimoto (408) 447-7733 Mitchell Humphrey Gregg Wagner (314) 542-1572 OCS Neely Santa Clara Telesales (408) 988-7388 Oracle Bill Pate (415) 882-6896 Peoplesoft Gail Yamamoto (415) 460-1554 Pilot Executive Marty Waters (617) 221-5155 Powerhouse Judy Hirsch (617) 221-5105 Progress Peter Yung (617) 221-5181 QAD Joe Roy (805) 658-6898 Q-CIM Todd Palmer (301) 670-4509 R&D Systems Terry Ohnstad (303) 649-5727 SAP Bob Crum (408) 447-1315 Europe - Peter Van Der Flult 49-7031-143081 SAS George Culbertson (919) 460-2243 SGA Ron Kessinger (805) 938-2209 Sherpa Susan Thom (408) 988-7128 Softlabs D. Del Signore (415) 460-1612 Software AG Bob Lyle (703) 204-2475 Summit Norm Reini (503) 598-8115 Sybase D. Del Signor (415) 460-1612 TI Donna Crowell (214) 830-8725 Unify Ray Bitterman (916) 921-4064 Uniplex Alex Wilson 44-344-773100 Unison Neely Santa Clara Telesales (408) 988-7388 VTLS John Doyle (804) 965-9247 Western Data Systems Joe Roy (805) 658-6898 Xerox Computer Services Susan Harvey (714) 472-3059 Conversion Tools VAB Name Contact Product Name/ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Innovative Information Peter Yung Distributor of System Inc. (617) 221-5181 Conveyor and VIS/TP (See product descriptions below) Infosoft Asia/Pacific Conveyor CICS/COBOL Winston Lin (translation (408) 447-6116 utility to either MPE/iX or HP-UX) Europe (3000/9000) Victor Sanchez 49-7031-14-3386 VISystems Linda Reymond VIS/TP Migration Tool (214) 830-8728 (emulation utility for CICS/COBOL applications to HP 9000) Integris John Lee UNIKIX: CICS/COBOL Billerica, MA (Glendale, CA Office) to MicroFocus COBOL (818) 242-0494 conversion tool (HP 9000 only) Capricorn Data Systems Anthony Zizza SOURCERY: CICS/COBOL Westwood, MA (617) 320-0292 to AcuCOBOL conversion tool (HP 9000 only) Openware Inc. Mark A. Potenzone CAST: CICS/COBOL/ McLean, VA (703) 556-2360 VSAM to "C" and Oracle (HP 9000 only; 3Q92) XDB Systems Mike Waters XDB: SQL-based IBM DB2 Laurel, MD (301) 317-6800 DBMS compatible on UNIX (HP 9000 only; 4Q92) Zortec Gary Fitzhugh SYSTEM Z: Conversion Nashville, TN (615) 361-7000 tool for Unisys 1100 Mapper Applications (HP 9000 only) Jacksonville Software Jaime Ellertson XGEN: Conversion of Jacksonville, FL (904) 725-7187 XGEN and Link from Unisys (Burrows A-Series) to HP 9000 Series 800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (For more detailed information refer to the MFA Hotline - Subject: MFCONV) Note: Adherence to ANSI SQL standards allows DB2 migration to ALLBASE (HP 3000/HP 9000) System Integration and Consulting Services National System Integrators Company HP Contact Services provided in addition to System Integration and Consulting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Professional Local PSO Manager Project management, Services (PSO) migration planning, and implementation Innovative Information Ted Luchsinger Conveyor conversion Systems Inc. (Infosoft (914) 935-6829 tool VIS/TP is the European associate) CAP Gemini Ted Luchsinger (914) 935-6829 Cambridge Technology John Spindler Leading Your Customers Partners (617) 221-5003 to Open Systems Program (CTG) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Regional Systems Integrators Company HP Contact Services provided in addition to System Integration and Consulting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anderson Consulting Pam Brown (408) 447-7586 CGI Consulting Ted Luchsinger PACBASE and PACLAN (914) 935-6829 CASE Tools EDS Aubrey Walker (919) 460-2238 Information Builders Ted Luchsinger FOCUS Conversion Inc. Consulting (914) 935-6829 Tools Migration Services Tom Conn Inc. (612) 641-9637 National Decision Ted Luchsinger FOCUS Conversion Systems (914) 935-6829 Tools Software Alternatives Aaron Mills OpenMap Offering Inc. SAIC Jack Gartlan (619) 541-7299 UNIX Integration John Kossing Services (515) 224-1435 Uni* Quality Kathy Keenan (708) 505-8800 Wesson, Taylor & Wells Aubry Walker VISystem Conversion (919) 460-2238 Tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (For more information on system integrators see MFA Hotline Subject: MFSIS) Service and Support The Solution HP offers a worldwide complete support service for data center environments. This service builds on HP's strengths in service and support. This new high-end support service ensures solution availability, complete coverage, and support partnership--and is tailored for the special needs of the high-end customer. HP Premier Account Support is a fixed price, fixed deliverable service and support package that can be sold upfront with the HP 3000 or the HP 9000 Corporate Business Systems*. * HP Comprehensive Support for Premier Accounts is also available for high-end customers that want to add to their existing base service. The HP Advantage It is difficult to comprehend the complexity of hardware, software, and services that are the responsibility of the data center manager. You can help manage certain functions. HP can be the partner that the data center manager needs. Here are only a few of the things you can offer: o One standard solution for high-end customers o A single point of contact with on-site presence o New, personalized Response Center capabilities o 24-hour, 7-day hardware, software and network support o One package, one price with clear deliverables o A pre-defined, easily-administered yearly contract o Pro-active support to maximize the effectiveness of the customer's resources o Partnership with a technology leader o Support from the best--HP's team approach to quality and service is successful and our reputation unmatched. We know how. These add up to the three components these customers care most about: "Blanket" Coverage, 100% Solution Availability, and a Strategic Partnership with the vendor. For More Information Data Sheet 5091-4302E Product Brief 5091-4303E UNIX(R) is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. Technical information in this document is subject to change without notice. (C) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1991 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited except as allowed under the copyright laws. Printed in USA RO0492 5091-4059E Associated files: none HP Mainframe Alternative Program Resource Guide